Professional Development Institutes

Capacity-building programs for district and school leaders

Building capacity at over 100 districts nationwide


Develop Skills that Last through Cohort-Based Coursework and Coaching

DMGroup Institutes take a unique approach to professional development, providing a combination of lectures, workshops, and coaching delivered over the course of a few months as participants tackle a real, live challenge from their district.

The cohort-based model promotes intra-team and cross-team collaboration and allows for an energizing exchange of ideas in a supportive environment.

• Hands-on learning: Participating teams tackle a problem of practice from their district. With coaching support, participants practice applying their new learnings and refine their skills.

• Team building: Participants join as a district team and learn and work alongside other district teams. They form valuable bonds and bring this spirit of collaboration back to the district.

• Collaboration: A cohort-based model encourages participants to exchange ideas, collaborate, and form relationships with peers from other districts.


Secondary Scheduling Institute

During this 4-month professional development program, your school or district team will acquire skills to design a strategic secondary schedule that is aligned to academic best practices, efficiently leverages staff talents and time, and incorporates student voice and choice. All this can be accomplished without expanding the budget or changing the length of the school day.

Now Enrolling

Academic-ROI Institute

Learn to employ the Academic Return on Investment (A-ROI) methodology to measure what works best for students. Over a period of multiple months, district teams will build the capacity to integrate data into resource allocation decisions and assess how well the program in their district is working, for which particular group of students, and at what cost. Participants will come away from the institute having learned the skills to analyze programs and ensure resources are being deployed for maximum impact.

Now Enrolling

Elementary Scheduling Best Practices

We offer hands-on, cohort-based workshops for school and district leaders to learn how to build better, more strategic elementary schedules.

Using DMSchedules for Elementary Schools scheduling software and guided by DMSchedules scheduling experts, participants learn what scheduling best practices can improve instruction and how to apply them to craft highly effective and customizable strategic elementary schedules.

Contact Us to Learn More

The A-ROI is now built into the way we have our budget conversations with our leadership team, our bargaining units, and our Board of Education.

Dr. Mike Patton, Superintendent Saratoga Springs City Schools District (NY)

Secondary Scheduling Institute helped us understand how we could leverage the schedule as an instructional tool to help the high school and the district as a whole deliver more for our students.

Justin Reese, Principal McCaskey High School, School District of Lancaster (PA)

Featured Insights

  • What Is Academic-ROI and Why Is It Important?

    Many public school districts struggle to identify which initiatives have the greatest impact on students. Here’s how Academic-ROI can help.

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  • How to Build a Better Secondary School Schedule?

    These guidelines can assist school and district leaders in building powerful strategic secondary schedules.

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  • 10 Mistakes to Avoid : Managing Time: Your Scarcest Resource

    As districts consider making better use of time already available, these ten lessons learned may help guide the way.

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Contact us to discuss how we can support you.