Special Education Scheduling Support

Learn about DMSchedules for Special Education scheduling software and support for effective scheduling of individual student services. Contact us for a demo.

Some of the districts and schools using DMSchedules Special Education Scheduling Software


DMSchedules for Special Education Scheduling Software

To effectively support students with disabilities and students with other greater learning needs, schools need an effective way to schedule for intervention, special education, and related services.

The development of personalized intervention plans is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a collaborative approach among all members of the educational team, as well as evaluation of available staff and their strategic allocation according to the student's needs.

With easy-to-use drag-and-drop features, DMSchedules for Special Education scheduling software enables efficient and coordinated schedule creation and management for interventionists, special educators, related service providers, and support staff. The scheduling software allows school leaders to schedule and manage individualized student services efficiently and effectively and provides district leaders with real-time access to schedules and insights to balance workloads and identify areas needing support.

In addition to scheduling software for special education, we offer DMSchedules for Elementary Schools scheduling software, schedule creation support, consulting services, and our professional development program.


  • Intervention
  • Special Education
  • Related Services
  • Support Staff Scheduling

Scheduling Student Services Has Never Been Easier

DMSchedules for Special Education is a web-based scheduling application that you can access from your computer or your iOS or Android device anytime and share your schedule with your team in a single click.

Partner Testimonials

Assistant Superintendent Jessica Kilmetz explains how DMSchedules has transformed district-wide work and collaboration at Phoenixville Area SD (PA).

Micah Korb, Principal at Barrington 220 School District (IL) describes the impact of using DMSchedules for student services scheduling.

We have realized outstanding scores and performance from our students due to the efficient use of support staff's time and the amount of support provided to our students.

Principal New Fairfield, CT

It has made it easier to schedule my students and see their complete daily schedule along with related services. The system has helped me confirm that I have all of their minutes accounted for.

Special Education Teacher Indian Prairie, IL

I am tremendously impressed with your software--it is so needed, and your software and presentation are excellently done.

Speech and Language Pathologist Hartford School District, VT

DMSchedules for Special Education

DMSchedules for Special Education scheduling software drives efficient and coordinated scheduling and management of student services and helps maximize student and staff time. The software aligns both the school schedule and individual teacher, provider, and staff schedules around district-defined guidelines. Service providers can easily define their caseload, confirm how services will be delivered, see the student’s general ed schedule, identify any conflict with another provider, and easily build their schedule with drag and drop ease.

Learn More and Schedule a Demo


DMSchedules for Elementary Schools

With DMSchedules for Elementary Schools, school principals and other schedulers can develop effective student-centered school schedules and individual staff schedules in hours instead of weeks. Using simple drag-and-drop features, DMSchedules allows you to quickly and easily create the main schedule and automatically generate individual homeroom, specials, and other supporting staff schedules.

Learn More and Schedule a Demo

Featured Insights

  • Case Study : Special Education Opportunity Review at West Feliciana (LA)

    DMGroup identified high-impact opportunities for West Feliciana Parish Schools (LA) to effectively build systems and structures to enhance support for students with disabilities.

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  • Blog Post : Ten Best Practices for Improving Special Education

    These ten best practices can help district leaders improve outcomes cost-effectively for all students who need additional learning supports.

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  • Is it Too Early to Think About Scheduling for Next Year?

    Start creating your school schedule as early as January to improve the quality of the schedule and reduce the stress of end-of-the-year scheduling.

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Contact us to discuss how we can support you.