DMG Summit

Collaborate and learn with fellow superintendents and district leaders from across the country

An Immersive Learning Experience for Superintendents and District Leaders

The DMG Summit, previously known as the Superintendents' Strategy Summit, is DMGroup’s premier annual conference that brings together forward-thinking member superintendents and district leaders nationwide for an immersive professional development experience with leading experts on key strategic topics. The Summit was established in 2004 and will be held in 2025 for the 22nd time!

Over the course of three days, superintendents and district leaders convene in a unique environment to challenge their perspectives, exchange ideas, and explore DMGroup’s latest research and insights.

Beyond benefiting from the expertise of DMGroup's subject-matter experts, the Summit provides an unparalleled opportunity for participants to share their expertise and fosters shared learning, collaborative problem-solving, and a sense of camaraderie.

Participants engage in candid, high-value discussions in a collegial environment and leave with new strategies and best practices for leading transformational improvement in their districts.


  • Networking Opportunities
  • Actionable Strategies and Fresh Perspectives
  • Strategic Leadership Topics

“This is the best thing I have ever been to because I have been engaged the entire time!"

Angelica Ramsey, Superintendent of Fort Worth Independent School District (TX)

Read the recap of DMGroup's 2023 Summit

What I am learning here are really specific ways to unpack some of the situations we might be facing and to be really strategic with it, too.

Tom Kim, Superintendent Batavia Public School District 101 (IL)

There are a lot of tools, discussions, and new friends here, as well as pockets of resources and expertise to tap and lessons learned to mimic.

Lisa Salley, Board of Education Member City of Philadelphia (PA)

It's been intellectually stimulating. I've appreciated a collegial networking opportunity and a chance to be a part of the camaraderie of thinkers and leaders nationwide.

John Polm, Superintendent Puyallup School District (WA)

The Summit gives us the chance to connect, collaborate, share ideas, share strategies, and learn from one another.

Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent Wilmette Public Schools District 39 (IL)

Get Actionable Strategies and Fresh Perspectives at the DMG Summit

• Connect and problem-solve with fellow DMCouncil superintendents and district leaders committed to transformative change

• Dive deep into strategic issues with DMGroup experts and peers
, gaining an understanding of best practices and learning from in-district and other sector case examples

• Explore how management lessons from other industries
can benefit the education sector using the Harvard Business School case method

• Learn actionable strategies and find renewed inspiration for implementing change in your district

Past Summit Topics

Strategic leadership topics that empower you to lead change

  • Acceleration and Renewal: Making It Happen
  • From Chaos to Transformation: Decision Making and Leadership
  • Equity in Education: Making it Core
  • Hi-Impact Leadership: Managing for Change in Increasingly Complex Times
  • Transforming Your Human Capital Strategy to Achieve Equity and Excellence
  • Innovating with Impact: Moving from Bold Ideas to Sustainable Results
  • Shifting Resources to Support Strategic Priorities
  • Harnessing Big Data into Exceptional Performance
  • Boosting Academic Return on Investment (A-ROI)
  • The New Three R’s: Roles, Responsibilities, Results