Special Education and MTSS

Ensure all students have what they need to be successful

Some of the districts we assisted in improving special education


Achieving Better Results is Possible

Special education and MTSS supports are critical to creating more inclusive and equitable learning environments. Despite increased spending, hard work, and dedication, school districts of all sizes and demographics continue to struggle to implement special education, intervention, and social-emotional support programs that are cost-effective and deliver results for students.

But achieving better results is possible. Over the past two decades, District Management Group has identified best practices for improving equity and outcomes for students with disabilities, students requiring intervention supports, and students with social, emotional, or behavioral needs and has supported dozens of districts nationwide.

In addition, our DMSchedules for Special Education scheduling software enables efficient and coordinated schedule creation and management for interventionists, special educators, related service providers, and support staff.


Partner Testimonials

Holly Colin, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services at North Shore School District 112 (IL) discusses the value and benefits of the DMGroup's Special Education Opportunity Review

Our Strategic Approach to Special Education

Through our national perspective and best practice expertise, DMGroup assists districts in benchmarking their district practices against those of similar districts, gaining a deeper understanding of how students are being served and ensuring that resources are allocated where they will do the most good for the most students to achieve scalable, sustainable, lasting change for students, families, and staff.


Special Education Opportunity Review

At DMGroup, we conduct an in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis to compare your practices with those of similar districts and established best practices and help you identify high-impact opportunities to raise student achievement, set priorities, and drive improvement.

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MTSS/ RTI Opportunity Review

Many students struggle to master grade-level content and are not college and career-ready upon graduation despite dedicated staff and a significant investment of resources. DMGroup will help you compare current district practices to best practices for implementing MTSS/ RTI effectively and identify opportunities for improvements.

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Special Education Scheduling Support

DMSchedules for Special Education Scheduling Software enables your special educators, interventionists, related service providers, and support staff to coordinate the scheduling of student services so that nothing falls through the cracks. With this powerful software, you can ensure that IEPs are met and that best practices are implemented.

Learn More and Schedule a Demo

Special Education Opportunity Review took the opinions and subjectivity out of it and gave our current practice more objectivity, which I think was transformational. DMGroup had the data, knew best practices from the research and their work with other districts, and took a very humanistic approach to that data.

Hollis Milton, Superintendent West Feliciana Parish School (LA)

By having clear, insightful data about our special education practices, our conversations became action-oriented. Our team immensely benefitted from comparing and contrasting our data with neighboring and other like-districts, and from learning about DMGroup’s recommendations on best practices.

Patty Phillips, Former Superintendent School District 622 North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale (MN)

It was win-win. The kids are doing well, our operations improved, achievement increased, and they are being better served.

Joseph Macary, Superintendent Vernon Public Schools (CT)

Featured Insights

  • Blog Post : Ten Best Practices for Improving Special Education

    These ten best practices can help district leaders improve outcomes cost-effectively for all students who need additional learning supports.

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  • Brochure : Special Education Opportunity Review

    Learn how we can help you identify high-impact opportunities to improve services and equity for students who need additional learning supports.

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  • Case Study : Improving Third-Grade Literacy at East Baton Rouge (LA)

    The Breakthrough Results program at East Baton Rouge Parish School System helped increase the reading fluency of struggling students by 75% in just 10 weeks.

    Read more

Contact us to discuss how we can support you.